I have the Bio starter kit, and on making the initial batch of yogurt I wanted to ask 2 questions. 1) the yogurt has some lumps of thicker consistency, that even when mixing the yogurt remain. The yogurt tastes fine. Why is this? 2) the yogurt was done in around 8hrs rather than the 12 hrs stated. It’s firm when I tip the jars. Do I need to make it go the full 12 hrs on the starter?
Hello Roberto,
It is important to know if this the first batch(made with starter and milk) or consequent batch( made with milk and ready yogurt).
The texture depends on the milk used. Please use different brands of milk and let me know if the texture is the same.
I would recommend incubating the first batch at least 12 hours - just to make sure that the time is enough.
Please note that the second batch requires less time for incubation and usually deliver better results.
Please have a look at the fermentation process explained here:fermentation
Thanks for the reply. The batch was the 1st. I tried to redo the yoghurt with a different milk and technique and seemed to get a much thicker yogurt. 1st I kept the milk at 70 degrees Celsius for 30 min before boiling. I also added water in the incubator to surround the fermentation pots as supposed to just air. This seemed to get an even temperature of 45 degrees for the 12 hours. Very little separation and whey produced.
Great job Roberto,
Thank you for your contribution.
Best wishes
A mi me ha salido el primero muy espeso y con suero abajo. Es normal?
Hola y gracias por tu pregunta.
Lo primero es averiguar si el sabor es demasiado ácido.
Si es así, significa que el yogur se incubó en exceso y, en consecuencia, se separó.
Si no es agrio, esto sugiere que la leche contenía demasiada agua. Para manejar esto, hierva la leche antes de usarla, enfríela y agregue el iniciador, luego comience la incubación.
Hi and thank you for your question.
The first thing is to find out if the taste is too sour.
If yes, it`means that the yogurt was over incubated and consequently separated.
If not to sour, this suggesting that the milk contained too much water. To handle this please boil the milk in advance before use, cool it down and add the starter, then start the incubation.
Muchas gracias por la respuesta. No está agria, está buena de sabor, pero muy muy espesa y con el suero debajo.
Enhorabuena entonces y disfruta.
Para reducir el suero, hierva la leche con anticipación durante 20-30 min.
Esto evaporará el agua de la leche, lo que reducirá la cantidad de suero a casi cero.
Congratulations then and enjoy.
To reduce the whey, please boil the milk in advance for 20-30 min.
This will evaporate the water in the milk which will reduce the amount of the whey to almost zero.